You’ll Learn:
- A powerful new approach to development known as ‘unfoldment’
- How to attune to yourself, others, and the world in a way that promotes deeper connection and purpose
- Practices to help you deeply participate in your present-moment experience
- Techniques and practices to help you create unfolding partnerships with others
You’ll Experience:
- Three participatory live sessions with Steve March that introduce key concept and practices
- Processes that help you radically reframe your own concepts about personal growth
- The natural and spontaneous way that unfoldment occurs when the necessary conditions are met.
- How deepening unfoldment unlocks your innate resourcefulness, creativity, and wisdom
- Your own self-directed study, with exercises and practices that will help you integrate what you are learning into your life
Price & Dates: £145 / $160 (scholarship applications here)
Many of us feel a call toward developing themselves to meet the challenges of the times we live in. We might want to become a better leader or manager, or a better parent or partner. But in contemporary culture, most of us respond to this call by initiating self-improvement projects. We try to fix ourselves. To address self-deficiencies, strive toward a better version of who we are. Often, we get mixed results, and if these projects fail, we then conclude that we don’t have what it takes.
Even when they succeed, a shadow is cast upon the rest of life where we find more deficiencies. This experience leads us onto the self-improvement hamster wheel. This course is for anyone who has become tired of that wheel.
It is designed and led by Steve March, founder of Aletheia and originator of Aletheia Coaching. It invites you to explore a simple question: what if nothing is missing? What if you are already a whole human being? This is the premise of unfoldment. It is the process by which, as living organisms, we grow, flourish, and thrive. It is as if everything is the seed out of which something more grows, always holding the promise of something more than its current expression.
The course will help you to see how to create the conditions in your life for your innate wholeness to unfold. It will help you meet the complex challenges you face in new ways, connecting to your innate resourcefulness, creativity, and wisdom. This is a course for anyone who wants to practice self-discovery and unfoldment instead of self-improvement.
Steve March is fast becoming the most respected coach in the ‘sensemaking web’. Steve has been a professional coach since 2000, and a coach trainer since 2003 leading coaching certification courses in the United States, Asia, and Europe. He is the founder and originator of Alethia Coaching, which offers a new paradigm in self-development that helps people move away from a focus on ‘improvement’, and instead uses a methodology that allows us to ‘unfold’ into the essence of who we already are.
“Steve March is a masterful teacher. He embodies a way of being that supports and holds each individual and the class exactly where they are – creating a safe environment for everyone to explore the edges of their learning and personal unfolding. Steve is able to integrate teachings from various traditions and disciplines in a way that makes them accessible and allows each person to open to new possibilities in their own development and in their development as a coach.” — Nicole Lambrou, Executive Coach
“When people ask me which coach training I recommend, I immediately point them to Steve March’s cutting-edge Aletheia Coaching. It has brought considerable depth to my coaching and is perfectly suited to our complex, uncertain times.” — Joel Monk, Co-founder and Podcast
Host, Coaches Rising
Course Structure
The course includes three two hour sessions and self-directed exercises. It runs on Tuesdays (starting on 18 October) from 8pm-10pm UK time / 3pm to 5pm Easter / 12pm to 2pm Pacific time. Each session will be participatory, and give you techniques and tools to practice in your life throughout the week and beyond.
The opening session on 18 October will introduce the Unfolding paradigm, and help you identify your own intentions and challenges for the process. The second session is called Engaging Unfolding, and will help you uncover the deeper levels of your emotional reality to tap into your innate abilities. The third and final session is called Unfolding Depth, and will introduce you to the ‘four depths’ of the unfolding process.
As well as these live sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with others from around the world who are participating in the course through a dedicated online forum hosted on Mighty Networks, and have access to recordings of the sessions, extra reading and useful resources.