You’ll Learn:

  • Introductions to key thinkers that shape modern culture
  • A familiarity with the movement of global philosophical history 
  • Epistemological flexibility – the capacity to consider a philosophical position from multiple angles
  • The Socratic Method – how to ask oneself and others questions to explore the philosophical roots of one’s beliefs
  • An exploration of multiple visions of the future, utopian and dystopian

A five part process: 

  • Teaching on the history of ideas from an award-winning philosopher 
  • High quality videos to watch and digest in your own time
  • Tailored exercises to deepen your understanding of the topics
  • High quality workbooks with ideas, quotes and exercises to continue your journey

Course Dates: This is a self study course 
Price: £50 / $70

Price: £195 / $265

About the Course

What can Socrates teach us about identity politics? Can Mary Wollstonecraft give us a fresh take on free speech in the age of big tech? What would Carl Jung make of the strange union of the new age and far right known as ‘Conspirituality’?

This course, led by award-winning public philosopher Jules Evans, looks at the big philosophical ideas and thinkers behind some of the noisiest issues of the day. With so much reaction and outrage in public debate, it can be difficult to step back and see the philosophical positions – the deep code – underlying these clashing currents. When we do, we can uncover essential insights that help us thrive in the times we live in.

Essential Philosophy for Modern Life will take you on a journey of understanding the key philosophical ideas and arguments underlying today’s disputes. We will unpack these ideas in a critical and non-dogmatic way, introducing you to some of the leading thinkers and philosophies that can help you see where people are coming from, where your own philosophical sympathies might lie, and why there are always two sides to every argument.

We all of us swim in the world of ideas and philosophies, often unaware that the unconsciously beliefs we hold were once invented and put forward by a long-dead philosopher. John Maynard Keynes wrote:

The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually slaves of some defunct economist.

The history of ideas can help us articulate and examine our own prejudices, consider the content and strengths and weaknesses of multiple positions, and weigh up alternative visions of the good life and the good society. 

Praise for Jules Evans 

‘Evans reminds us that philosophy is not just about dry analysis. It’s also about the good life.’ – Matthew Syed

‘I hugely enjoyed Jules’ Philosophy for Life’ – Derren Brown

‘Jules’ book saved my life’ – Adrian Edmondson

‘Philosophy Club was the best thing we did all season’ – Paul Gustard, former coach at Saracens RFC

Jules Evans is a bestselling author and philosopher. His first book, Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations, explored how people are rediscovering ancient Greek and Roman philosophies and how Greek philosophy (particularly Stoicism) inspired Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and was a Times book of the year. His second book, The Art of Losing Control, explored how people find ecstatic experiences in modern western culture.

He has extensive experience teaching people how to apply philosophy to their lives, having set up the London Philosophy Club and also as an honorary research fellow at the Centre for the History of Emotions, Queen Mary University of London.

He also co-organised the first Stoicon and has taught workshops on well-being, transcendence and flourishing to organisations like Arsenal FC, Netflix and MIND.

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Course Structure

The course consists of five high quality recorded sessions with Jules Evans, with exercises to deepen your experience of the course material. Each session has a high quality workbook alongside with a digest of the key thinkers and ideas and links to extra reading if required.

Click on each session below to find out more about it.


Session 1 – Identity Politics and Authenticity

Session 2 – Rights, Free Speech & Cancel Culture

Session 3 – The Religion of Wellness

Session 4 – Truth, Myth & Conspirituality

Session 5 – Nature, Existential Risk and Transhumanism