How can we relate authentically in a world that’s tearing itself apart? What skills do we need to truly understand perspectives that differ from our own, and in turn, how can we invite people to consider other ways of thinking?

In this conversation with authentic relating superstar Sara Ness we go from the personal to the cultural, asking how do we have a different kind of conversation; one that isn’t about winning, but about authentic connection that takes us somewhere new.

We are launching a course with Sara starting on 5 April called ‘The Art of Difficult Conversations’, where we’ll give you tools to help you resolve some of the biggest communication questions of our time. For example:

“How do I even start talking about my perspectives and ideas?”
“Why does every conversation I have about current affairs turn into a fight?”
“How can I relate with people who don’t make sense to me, and don’t want to hear me out?”

Check out more details on the course here: