Earlier this summer, a film featuring women apologising for how they had treated men went viral online. The Rebel Wisdom film looking at the process of making the film, and the reactions it created: ‘The female shadow?” is here: https://youtu.be/N6TLvu3l0Ns

The film’s creator, Dr Hanna Milling called for a new dialogue between men and women. In this experimental film, two women – Hanna and author Ilan Stefani (‘What the brothel taught me about life’) sit down with two men, Rebel Wisdom founders David Fuller and Rafia Morgan to attempt a new form of conversation.

This is part of a series, ‘Men and Women After #Metoo’, which includes an exclusive interview with Warren Farrell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESiyb28fTQ4&t=1955s

Rebel Wisdom is a new media platform asking the biggest questions: http://www.rebelwisdom.co.uk/

We also run events for men and women to experience directly what we discuss in our films: https://www.rebelwisdom.co.uk/events

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