Earlier this summer, a group of women released a film where they apologised to men for how they had treated them. The film went viral, with hundreds of thousands of views. It also sparked polarised reactions – both for and against: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwKLTVCJn6Q&t=5s
The creator of the film was conflict resolution expert Dr Hanna Milling. Rebel Wisdom’s David Fuller sat down with Hanna, and contributors to the film Ilan Stefani and Stefana Bosse to ask them about the process of making the film and the reaction it has created.
In the film, Dr Milling called for a new dialogue between men and women. Hanna, David, Ilan and therapist Rafia Morgan attempted a new form of conversation: https://youtu.be/9CizXBr91Js
This is part of a series, ‘Men and Women After #Metoo’, which includes an exclusive interview with Warren Farrell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESiyb28fTQ4&t=1955s
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