This is a companion piece to the film – Jordan Peterson and the Hidden Epidemic:

The Canadian psychologist and celebrity Jordan Peterson recently broke his near-year long silence and descibed his debilitating illness as the result of benzodiazepine dependence.

Robert Whitaker is an investigative journalist, shortlisted for the Pulitzer Prize, and the author of several books about the long term effects of psychiatric drugs including Anatomy of an Epidemic.

In this interview with Rebel Wisdom’s David Fuller he explains how the situation that Jordan Peterson found himself in is all too common, and affects many millions of people around the world.

Relevant links from the conversation:

The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast #9 – Jordan B. Peterson – Family Update June 2020 (includes list of resources in the show notes):

“Anatomy of an Epidemic”, Robert Whitaker:

Robert Whitaker’s ‘Mad in America’ profile:

“Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good”, James Davies:

New article by our friend Jules Evans, “Instead of pills, social connection”:

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